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Fishing Report Sept. 23rd to 25th


What an awesome weekend fishing it started on a foggy morning driving to the fishing hole using Electronics on water I've charter of the River, The water temps are 65 degrees and the fish were active.

Kevin caught many bass and Pike. He also had 1 Musky follow

Nice little Gator

The fish were very active this past weekend.

Another nice football.

Kevin spotted what looked like a dead fish floating belly up. We went to investigate and she was still alive but in obvious distress. There was no visible injuries on this fish, remember guys when you catch a fish of this size you need to ensure you take the time to revive the fish properly and stay in the area for a little while to make sure they don't resurface and die. They are old fish and it takes longer for these fish to recover. Kevin and I spent almost an hour and a half to make sure this fish had a fighting chance to live another day and bring a fellow angler his trophy fish.

Happy fish!!! Thanks Stinky and Kev.

The Bad is my favorite spot to fish.

What an awesome morning

Storm on the horizon and it sparked the fishing.

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